Discover the capacity to heal that’s already within you.

Trauma Therapy

   For adults & teens in Wimberley, Texas

You’ve tried everything you can think of to feel better.

But you’re still stuck and can’t find a way through

You might notice the same patterns keep showing up in your life and you can't understand why.  Maybe you're feeling angry, anxious, or on edge.  Or you might be exhausted, just going through the motions and having a hard time motivating yourself to do the things you used to love to do.   You can't quite put your finger on it, you just don't feel like yourself. 
We often  think of trauma in terms of one time, identifiable events that shake us to our core.  However, it's often more subtle, cumulative micro-events that occur over time and cause us to become stuck in survival mode and disconnected from ourselves and others.  Sometimes we can't even identify what is causing us to feel the way we do.  Difficult things happen, sometimes they leave lasting effects. But there is always hope for healing.  

You might be feeling?

Exhausted and overwhelmed

Anxious, angry or on edge

Ready to feel relaxed and at ease, like your old self again.

Wishing things could change, but not knowing what to do. 

please Hear me when I say:

Being here doesn’t mean you’re weak. It means you’re strong.

What we will work on


  Build a deeper understanding of the patterns present in your life and the ways they kept you safe in the past. Consider the ways they may be keeping you stuck and disconnected today.


Discovering and reconnecting with your true self.  The one underneath all of this that you are currently experiencing.  Learn to feel safe in your body an at ease again.  


 Learn new ways of relating to yourself and others.  Feeling safe enough trust and build meaningful connections again. Reconnecting with life and others.  

Let’s get started.

Because change is possible.

Let’s get started.